Thursday, January 13, 2011

Welcome to a new year and a new blog!

New purple playdough for a new year....did you know that the muscles the children use when they are rolling, pounding and shaping playdough are the same ones they use when they are holding a  pencil and writing?
New natural material for the science center too.  The children are intrigued by the shapes and colors of the  seed pods, rocks and flowers.  You can see Norah is happy with the freeform design she made while Alex and Jack used magnifying glasses for closer examination.
The class is decorating containers which we are using for Tzedakah this  year. 

Our Curious George kids build everyday!  Building in a smaller area requires more precise placement of materials and more cooperation.
And the girls want to dance and make music!
To introduce the art unit we hid some thought provoking material in the green packing peanuts.  How could each of these objects be used to make art...the children really brainstormed with each other and gave us wonderful responses.  We were so pleased with the huge jump in their vocabularies but also in the way they listened to their classmates' ideas.
At the end of the lesson we let the children explore the packing peanuts.  Of course we had some green "blizzards" but very quickly we saw the children use this material  in unique ways.  Here you can see that Colin and Zac decided to build different structures with magna-tiles and see how many peanuts would fit inside each one.

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