Friday, January 21, 2011

Making Stained Glass Art LIke Marc Chagall

     To teach the children about the artist Marc Chagall, we took them on an "art walk" to the Olan Sanctuary. In the Sanctuary, the children studied the stained glass windows,  We explained that a very famous artist named Marc Chagall made wonderful  stained glass windows, just like the ones in our sanctuary.  The children were able to see how the light from the sun streams through the stained glass and makes Olan Sanctuary such a beautiful place to pray.  After studying the stained glass, we went to Tobian Auditorium and viewed a wall of Chagall's paintings.  One of the most intriguing paintings was of a face which from one angle looks like a woman and from another angle like a man.  This painting prompted an interesting discussion amongst our children.
     To make our own windows, the children first tore various colors of tissue paper.  Then they arranged the tissue in patterns, stripes or their own design idea..  As a final artistic touch, they placed thin black paper strips on top of the tissue paper.  When you are in our room, you will see the light stream through our lovely stained glass art!

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