Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Purim Extravaganza

We began our Purim celebration  with a special Shabbat.  We were all dressed in costumes including Shelly! We had our groggers to shake every time we heard Haman's name.
After Shabbat, all the pre-k classes went to Tobian Auditorium to sing Purim songs with King Ahasuerus.
In the courtyard, Susan had the tables set with paint, tape and stars to decorate our groggers. 
In the P.E. room, we participated in a mitzvah.  We decorated Shalach Manot boxes to send to the Vogel Alcove Childcare Center for the Homeless. 
After we decorated the boxes, we filled them with fun treats for the children at the Alcove. 
So many tattoos, which one should I choose??
The children listened carefully as the tattoo artist explained how she could paint the tattoos on their hands or their arms.
Look at our tattoos!
The clown made hearts and crowns.
All the boys wanted crowns and the girls wanted hearts.
We ended our Purim Extravaganza with juice and delicious hamantaschen!

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