Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Desert Science Experiment !

Did you know that a cactus is coated with a waxy substance to help it retain moisture?  (Neither did we!)  We wanted to see if waxed paper would work in the same way.
First, we let the class feel a  leaf from our plant and then the cactus.
Then we added some waxed paper to feel as well.  Dylan is comparing the feel of the paper to the cactus.
Our next step was to put water on 2 sponges, letting them absorb as much water as they could.
We covered one sponge with waxed paper and put the tray outside.
A few hours later we let the kids feel the difference in the sponges and when they pushed down on the blue (covered) sponge so much more water came out.  They could really see how the wax would help the cactus.

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