Saturday, April 16, 2011

Building A Pyramid

This week as we studied the story of Passover,we had the children build a pyramid using tape and their math skills.  The children knew that the pyramid should begin as a triangle,so Norah is showing Harriet where to put the second diagonal line.
Will illustrates how he would make a horizontal line in order to make the base of our pyramid.
The children have made the basic structure of the pyramid,but they know that they needed more lines in order to make the bricks of the pyramid.
Colin adds a horizontal line to begin making the bricks.
Zach is using gross motor skills as he reaches to make another horizontal line.
Calvin really had to stretch to add a horizontal line to the top of our pyramid.
Iya and Ben work together to make the first vertical line in our pyramid.
Alex and Lilly are discussing where they want to put their vertical line.
Evie added the horizontal lines that made our pyramid dimensional.
Everyone made a slave carrying a basket and bricks to put on our pyramid.  They used their knowledge of the Passover story to make some very sad faces on their slaves.  The children knew that the slaves were not happy about the hard work that they had to do for Pharaoh!

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