Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Special Visit From Rabbi Knight !

Thank you to Rabbi Knight for coming to our room to tell the class about Habitat for Humanity.  Rabbi Knight started out by asking the children if they had a house, a bed, a table for eating etc.  Of course everyone said yes, and many even remarked, "Everyone has a house."  When he told the kids that wasn't really true,  you could see them trying to imagine what life would be like without those basic comforts.  Rabbi Knight then spoke about the many hours of work and the dollars needed to build a home for those who don't have one.  He also brought interesting  pictures of himself, working alongside the future home owners, to build the house.
  Judaism teaches us to share what we have with others. We appreciate your donations so the children could learn about a new charity and also have an opportunity to participate in a mitzvah.

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